By Bailey C.
Photo by Madame Figaro
“The most important relationship in your life is the relationship you have with yourself. Because no matter what happens, you will always be with yourself.”
Diane von Furstenberg
When we think about women who have paved the way for femininity and womanhood to thrive and excel in the business world, Diane Von Furstenberg is often the first name that comes to mind. From a young age, Diane Von Furstenberg was surrounded by powerful men and became a feminist icon. She reshaped her destiny by becoming one of the most influential women in the fashion industry, inspiring millions around the world over the course of 50 years.
Her Life as a Trailblazer
Diane von Furstenberg’s life has been a journey of breaking barriers and paving the way as an international fashion icon. From making t-shirts and t-shirt dresses to her world-renowned wrap dress, Diane Von Furstenberg made history through her passion for fashion that never failed to inspire millions around the world.
Von Furstenberg was born on the 31st of December, 1946, in Brussels to a Greek-Jewish Holocaust survivor. From boarding school in Switzerland to university in Geneva, her plans for reinventing the fashion scene never wavered.
The Wrap Dress
After her marriage collapsed in 1972, with the determination for total independence, Von Furstenberg developed her innovative wrap dress that went on to inspire and revolutionize the fashion industry for decades. The dress was an instant success, becoming a symbol of feminine power and liberation worldwide. Not only has Diane Von Furstenberg’s wrap dress become one of the most financially successful collections in fashion history, it has become a symbol of feminist empowerment everywhere. These dresses often illuminate a powerful, quiet sophistication; an image Von Furstenberg has upholded her entire life.
Her Message
Diane Von Furstenberg’s impact on the fashion industry has been revolutionary, but her vision for women’s empowerment is a true reflection of her success.
Von Furstenberg has dedicated her life to the idea that all women are beautiful, unique, individuals – a message that we believe to be essential. Her cultivation of success through one’s authenticity, individuality, and passion has served to inspire women globally for several decades, just as she has for us at Cherie Amour. It is because of women like her that show women everywhere that our dreams are far more achievable than we may think.
Favorite Quotes
“Character. Intelligence. Strength. Style. That makes beauty.”
“When you feel humiliated, you either use it as fuel to change or you get covered by it.”
“Don’t dwell on the dark side of things, but look for the light and build around it.”
“Truth is cathartic, a way of keeping the trees pruned. The truer you can be the better it is because it simplifies life and love.”
“I’ve never met a woman who is not strong, but sometimes they don’t let it out. Then there’s a tragedy, and then all of a sudden that strength comes. My message is let the strength come out before the tragedy.”
Recommended Works
The Woman I Wanted to Be (2014)
Own It: The Secret to Life (2021)
Diane: A Signature Life (1998)
DVF 40: Journey of a Dress (2014)
The Table (1996)