Women Who Inspire Us: Jaycee J.

Interview by Bailey C.

On this week’s #WomenWhoInspireUs, we are shining the spotlight on one of Chérie Amour’s MVPs, Jaycee!

Jaycee has served as our Marketing & Events Supervisor for a long time, but we are sadly saying goodbye to her this week as she moves on to her next life venture 🌷

Thank you for being the MVP, Jaycee! And good luck on your future endeavours, we will miss you! ❤️

What has been your favourite part of working at Chérie Amour?

“It’s been working somewhere that empowers women – and in a role that’s so integral to the company’s success as a whole! A role where I’ve had the privilege of developing and using my strengths while having so many opportunities to grow.”

What will you miss most about working at Chérie Amour?

I will miss the team so much! Being surrounded by beautiful people everyday who make work fun and personable has been a highlight of my job.

Who is someone that has inspired you during your time here?

My manager, Ashleigh. I’ve always been inspired by her constant drive and dedication to help everyone. She’s truly been a backbone – and she allowed me to achieve my goals by recognizing my capabilities from day one and giving me a place to let them shine!

What is the greatest lesson you have learnt from your time here?

Mistakes will happen. Delays will happen. Things won’t always work out perfectly the first time around, but it’s important to solve those problems and never give up on accomplishing what you set out to do. It ends up being even more rewarding in the end that way!

If you could give any piece of advice to someone taking over in your position what would you say?

Organization is key! Details are key! Embracing all the moving parts that make this position possible, therefore the company’s success possible, is key! Spreadsheets, notebooks, calendars – even sticky notes all over your desk as reminders – will be your best friend.

What has been the most important lesson you have learnt as a professional and as an individual during your time here?

As a professional, that communication is crucial in the workplace and benefits the overall happiness of everyone involved. Valuing each other’s opinions and ideas fosters a better place for improvement. As an individual, I’ve learned that the relationships we build with each other are so important. Having solid relationships cultivates trust and reliability – plus it puts a little extra meaning into coming to work.

What are some practices you do that help keep you calm, motivated, confident, etc?

I’m receptive to the needs of my body and mind by taking a break when I feel it’s necessary to regain motivation. I like to fill my workspace with notes or gifts that remind me of loved ones who always support me – it gives me the confidence I’m incapable of giving myself sometimes. Every night I allow myself the safety to rejuvenate by writing, reading, drinking tea or going to bed early so that I can start fresh in the morning. Finally, I try to focus on enjoying the little things that make each day special.

Jaycee’s Picks


Traveling, exploring new places, stargazing, writing, crafting, and spending time with friends

Favorite Music:

Alternative, Electropop, and R&B

TV Bingers:

Sex and the City, One Tree Hill, and anything suspenseful/scary

Dream job:

A bestselling author. But anything involving writing, communicating, and organizing – especially involving animals. As long as I’m challenged and happy every day!

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