Nine years ago, Dove released a youtube video where women were asked to describe themselves to a forensic artist while he drew them. Later, a stranger who they got to know a little in the lobby was asked to describe them. At the end, the women see how they see themselves in contrast to how others see them. Without fail, the strangers described a beauty the women couldn’t acknowledge in themselves, bringing them to the realization that they are so much more beautiful than they think.
In a way, a boudoir shoot is the same experience. Walking in, women see the worst version of themselves. They’re often anxious, unsure, often not sure if they made the right decision. By the end of the session they’ve been able to experience an hour or more of judgment free hype session, which is incredible in and of itself, but the real magic happens when they see the finished images at the image reveal. So many women had no idea they could look as beautiful as they do. Not because of photoshop or sucking in or trying to be someone else, but just by being themselves, enjoying themselves, and feeling the empowerment of letting themselves be the center of attention for a little while. Did you want to experience what it would be like to see yourself from a stranger’s eyes? Our amazing all-woman team of photographers is ready to give you just that. We can’t wait to join you for your journey.